You are here : Administrator Tools > Admin Masters > ISO Document Number Master
ISO Document Number Master |
This option allows a user to store ISO Numbers that should be printed on certain documents. It also allows the user to specify the position in the reports where respective ISO Numbers should be printed.
A list of all Form Names and their respective Reports where ISO Numbers can be printed will be displayed in a grid as shown above.
Field Description of the grid -
Form Name:
Displays the name of the menu option for the report for your reference.
Doc Print Type:
Displays the name of the particular report for your reference.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 100)
Click on the field. Now enter the ISO Number for the report. In case the ISO Number has previously been entered for the report, it will be displayed automatically. You can change it. Press <TAB>.
Vertical Position:
Denotes the Vertical position in the report where the ISO Number should be displayed/printed.
Click n the field. Now click on the small down arrow. Select 'Top' in case the ISO Number has to be displayed on the top of the report. Select 'Bottom' if it has to be displayed at the bottom of the report. Press <TAB>.
In case the Vertical Position has previously been specified, it will be displayed automatically. You can change it.
Horizontal Position:
Denotes the Horizontal position in the report where the ISO Number should be displayed/printed.
Click on the field. Now click on the small down arrow. Select 'Left' in case the ISO Number has to be displayed at the left most position of the report. Select 'Center' if it has to be displayed at the center of the report. Select 'Right' if it has to be displayed in the right most position of the report.Press <TAB>.
In case the Horizontal Position has previously been specified, it will be displayed automatically. You can change it.
Now click on 'Save' button to finally save all the entries or 'Cancel' button to discard.